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Life's a stretch

Welcome to Life’s a Stretch! In this book, we’ll embark on a journey together as we explore the Stretch Framework, a guide to bringing yoga off the mat and into our daily lives. Through the four Stretch Postures, we’ll delve into self-compassion, steady mindfulness, living in alignment, and nurturing peace. 


Life can be challenging, and I want you to know I’m right there with you as a work in progress. None of us have it all figured out, and that’s perfectly okay. The Stretch Framework doesn’t require yoga experience, just an open mind and willingness to stretch out of our comfort zone.


So, let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery and endless possibilities together. Remember, perfection isn’t the goal here; it’s about celebrating our progress, big or small, as we stretch into our wholeness and embrace a more connected, joyful, and peaceful way of life.

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